6 Challenging Issues 

Women’s Ministries Six Challenge Issues

Women’s Ministries Department identified critical issues that impact women worldwide which are the focus of their ministry. The six challenge issues are

As Christians, seeking to follow the example of Jesus, we believe that it is important to do what we can to meet the needs of all people, developing trust, and helping them to find the answers to their needs. For this reason, Women’s Ministries has chosen to focus much of its attention to these challenges.

Before much can be done to address most of these needs, a person must be able to read. Almost one billion adults cannot read; about three-fourths of these are women. They cannot read the instructions on a medicine bottle, fill out an employment form, or read the directions for a household cleaner. Neither can they read a Sabbath School lesson to a child nor read the Bible. Like many in the Dark Ages, they must get their Gospel from someone else.

These are certainly challenges for everyone in the church. Women’s Ministries invites all to join together to share the Good News of the Gospel.

Women Ministries 2021 Year Plan

The Department of Women’s Ministries exists to uphold, encourage, and challenge Adventist women in their pilgrimage as disciples of Jesus Christ and members of His world church. Woman empowered and nurtured to fulfill their God-given potential.  Our mission is in the larger sense common to all Christians- that of uplifting Christ in the Church and in the world.

Strategic Plan for 2020-2025

“We Have different gifts according to the grace given to us…” Rom 12:6 NV

Statement of Women’s Ministries from the Church Manual.

Seventh-day Adventist Church Manual, 2015

Women’s Ministries


Women’s ministries upholds, encourages, and challenges women in their daily walk as
disciples of Jesus Christ and as members of His church.

Its objectives are to foster spiritual growth and renewal; affirm that women are of immeasurable worth by virtue of their creation and redemption, equip them for service, and offer women’s perspectives on church issues; minister to the broad spectrum of women’s needs, with regard for multicultural and multiethnic perspectives; cooperate with other departments to facilitate ministry to women and of women; build good will among women to encourage mutual support and creative exchange of ideas; mentor and encourage women and create paths for their involvement in the church; and find ways and means to challenge each woman to use her gifts to further global mission.

Women’s Ministries Leader and Committee—The elected women’s ministries leader develops specific ministries to nurture women and equip them for service. She serves as chairperson of the women’s ministries committee and encourages ideas and plans that maximize women’s contributions to the mission of the Church.

The leader assists the board with integrating activities and programs for women into the larger church program. She keeps the church informed of the contribution of women’s ministries to church life. The leader’s liaison for training and resource material is the conference women’s ministries director.

The women’s ministries leader should be a sensitive, caring woman with a burden for women’s ministry and concerns, a balance in her perspectives, an ability to encourage other women to cultivate their spiritual gifts, and an ability to work well with women in the church, the pastor, and the board.

The women’s ministries committee fosters ministry to women in the church. This committee should be composed of those interested in the broad spectrum of women’s needs and services and those with varied talents and experience.

Resources—For women’s ministries resources, see Notes, #17, p. 177.

#17. Women’s Ministries Resources (see p. 103)—Leadership certification levels 1-4; resource materials for Day of Prayer, Women’s Emphasis Day, and Abuse Prevention Emphasis Day; Pastor’s and Elder’s Handbook for Women’s Ministries. For further information, contact your local conference women’s ministries director and visit www.adventistwomensministries.org.

Job description for WM Director at Conference level



Women empowered and nurtured to fulfill their God given potential.


Our Mission is in the larger sense common to all Christians- That of uplifting Christ in theChurch and in the world.  But more specifically, we are called to:

The Department of Women’s Ministries exists to uphold, encourage, and challenge Adventist women in their pilgrimage as disciples of Jesus Christ and members of His world church.




  • elevate women as persons of inestmable worth because they have been created and redeemed
  • enable women to deepen their faith and experience spiritual growth and renewal
  • build networks among women in the world church to encourage bonds of friendship and mutual support and the creatve exchange of ideas and informaton
  • mentor young Adventst women, encouraging their involvement, and creatng paths for them as they reach for their potental in Christ



  • challenge each Adventst woman with her potental to complement the gifs given to other women and men as they work side by side to further the global mission of the Seventh-day Adventst Church
  • bring women’s unique perspectves to the issues facing the world church



  • seek expanding avenues of dynamic Christan service for women, that out of the fullness we as women have personally found in Jesus Christ, we may be empowered to share the good news within our families, among our fellow believers, and in ever expanding circles in the unsaved world